Lately ni aku byk dpt email abt mknan2 yg tak halal ! Samada betul atau tidak,wallahualam..tapi aku ade buat research via check kat halal's website dan juga thru interview dgn individu yg terbabit...
Firstly : McDonald's
Kus semangat dan terkejut aku yg McDonald's skrg dah tak halal ! Maklum la,itu feveret fast food aku sekeluarga hehehe...klau rasa bosan makan nasi etc...zasss apalagi,drive true aje la...tapi tak la slalu...dlm 3 bln skali camtu,orait la kan...*wink*

Emailnya berbunyi begini : (aku copy paste dari yahoo inbox ku )
[Hentikan makan McDonald's Chips -- French Fries. Ianya disalut dgn lemak babi dan adalah haram bagi Islam memakannya....
MACDONALDS McDonald's announced in the 1990's that it changed its frying oil from animal fat to vegetable oil for those who are vegetarian. However,it turned out that this information did not turn out to be completely true. French fries are fried slightly in animal fat then frozen and shipped to all the McDonald's syores for the final frying. The Following information was announced on the Arabic BBC Channel. Basically, what they do is they cut the potatoes into slices and then coat them with a thin layer of lard (pig fat) or cow fat so that when it is fried it will crunch. Then these fries are shipped to McDonald's stores in different parts of the world including India and the Arab countries. McDonald's apologized to the Indians after receiving complaints, since a good nymber of Indians do not eat anything that has ingredients derived from animals. And of course no apology has been made to the Arab countries. So,in summary, McDonald's fries is coated with a layer of either cow fat or lard (pig fat which is thicker and cheaper) then shipped to all McDonald's stores over the world,which is then fried in vegetable fat. Please alert all those you know of this information.
Secara terang2 Islam ditipu oleh orang Amerika. Mereka mohon maaf pada org India tapi tidak kepada Islam. Bertindaklah dgn segera...tidak lagi makan jualan mknan McDonald's selepas ini...
Daging McDonald's juga dikatakan tidak halal kerana pihak McDonald's didakwa telah membeli daging yg tidak halal dari Uruguay ! ]
Hmm...dgn rasa was2 aku pun menuju ke McDonald's yg berhampiran dgn rumahku utk bertanyakan tentang kesahihan berita ini dan Store Manager di situ telah menunjukkan aku satu surat as below :-
Later kat rumah,aku checked lg via browsing halal's website (
...kat laman utamanya tertulis :
Dimaklumkan bahawa JAKIM tidak menggantung/menarik Sijil Pengesahan Halal yg telah diberikan kepada McDonald/Mac Food Services (M) Sdn Bhd
Fuh ! terjawab kini segala persoalan pasal McDonald's ni,kwn2, no more keraguan ye...
Secondly : Burger King
"Dear brothers & Sisters...if you look at the picture it says sausage patties. In US, sausage is made from pigs fats ! "
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------uiikk...sekali lagi aku,lepas balik dari antar anak2 gi sekolah,aku pun drop-by kt Burger King Restaurant yg again tak jauh dari rumah aku hehehe...terkejut Manager Burger King tu bila aku dtg nak jumpa dia siap bwk gambar (as above) coz slalu tu dtg nak order mknan hehehe...again, surat yg sama mcm McDonald's tu yg dia tunjuk kat aku. komen dariku...manager tu ckp lg..."email yg akak dpt tu dr oversea...mmg la kat oversea daging2 diaorg tak halal !
Ok,settled ! Terjawab segala persoalanku tentang 2 makanan segera ni...

"Narcissus" is an established and well known brand associates with high quality China canned food and seasoning such as whole mushrooms,asparagus spears,lychees,spiced pork cubes,stewed pork chops etc..The range of "Narcissus" food products,which is very well demanded in many part of the world, include :
Canned Meat
Canned Seafood
Canned Fruits
Canned Vegetables
Kesemua brg2 di atas adalah keluaran Narcissus.
Kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat,tolong sebar2kan info ini kepada umat Islam yg lain. Untuk mendapat kesahihan tentang ini,sila lawati website :
Hmm...i'm speechless ! Pernah beli buah laici brand ni,from now on ape2 brg mknan/minuman kena check dulu samada ia btul2 halal atau kdg2 tu indah khabar dari rupa (like McDonald's case)..sesetengah pihak cuba nak sabotaj produk keluaran pihak yg satu lagi tu huhuhu...wallahualam !
So,boleh dikatakan kebanyakkan mknan & minuman dah tak 'selamat' utk dimakan/diminum !!!
Jadi, sama2 lah kita berwaspada....
- Salam Ukhwah -
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